
Free Wi-Fi

Free Wi-Fi is now available throughout Chevron Renaissance Shopping Centre - no time limits apply!


Event Details

Unconnected? Free WiFi is now available throughout Chevron Renaissance Shopping Centre - no time limits apply!

To connect to Free WiFi, please follow the below steps:

  1. Ensure your wireless enabled laptop, tablet or Smart Phone is turned on and has its wireless signal/switch activated. 
  2. Go to the 'Available Wireless Network Connection List' as displayed on your mobile device. 
  3. Navigate to '@CR FREE WiFi' from the list and then select 'connect'
  4. You will directed to a landing page where you will be asked to enter some information and agree to our policies.
  5. Once connected, you will be automatically directed to the Chevron Renaissance website and you’re ready to browse.

This free public internet access WiFi service is not encrypted so please ensure services such as banking, e-mail and social networking sites have security.

WiFi Terms of Use

Related events

30 March to 27 April, 9am to 7pm daily.
Ground Level, next to Kanaya.


Valid Until: 27/04/2024

Treat Mum to a FREE packet of Tim Tams this Mother's Day.

Valid Until: 11/05/2024

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